I’m pregnant again!! You saw in my last post that I announced to our family that I was pregnant by giving Indie a present at her birthday party which was a book called “I Am A Big Sister!”. This baby and Indie will be just under 20 months apart… queue the surprised looks! Haha, yes they will be very close in age, but honestly we actually were hoping for a liiittle bit closer 😉 but this is how it worked out! I’m due November 10, and though I don’t want the Summer to go by too fast, I also can’t wait to meet this baby already! We’ve again decided to wait until delivery to find out the gender, because it was so fun last time! We are keeping pretty busy with Indie Jo, our trailer, and photography/video, so I really don’t wonder about the gender too much. And honestly, whatever the gender is I’m just so excited.
Comparing this pregnancy to last, there are a lot of similarities, but a lot of differences too! The differences are, I’ve thrown up this pregnancy! I didn’t ever throw up the first pregnancy, though I did feel nauseous some days. This time around, I would just get nauseous like 20 minutes before I threw up, and then after I threw up I felt fine again. I’m also WAY tired all the time. I don’t know how much of that is due to pregnancy and how much of it is due to having a walking 1 year old, but I don’t remember being this tired last time. And the last biggest difference is HEADACHES! This is definitely the worst difference too. I’ve never had an issue with headaches before, pregnant or not, but I get headaches frequently with this pregnancy. I know that it can be a sign of preeclampsia, but my doctor isn’t worried about it, which is really good. But man, these headaches. I really hate them haha. My seems to be popping earlier this time around too, which I’ve heard is normal and it doesn’t bother me.
Other than that I’m feeling good! I’ve started to feel the flutters of movement, which is by far my favorite part of pregnancy. Little kicks are so fun! I’m 21 weeks in just a few days as I write this which already makes me a little over halfway! That went by a lot quicker than I thought it would, especially because we told our families super early on this time. But the photo/video above I was just about 13 weeks, and I have one other picture at 17 weeks I’ll get around to posting sometime haha. I love day dreaming about Indie and the new baby playing and bonding (even though it may take a while for that), but I just love that my family is growing! We are so excited, and have appreciated everyone’s excitement and support! Bring on baby #2!