Currently pregnant with a baby BOY and I’ve started feeling sad I haven’t documented this pregnancy very much along the way. Part of it is because it’s really quite similar to my first 2, and part of it is feeling so exhausted from being pregnant AND having two kids that I just don’t get around to it! Well before it’s too late, here is everything I can remember about this pregnancy (because it is likely I won’t do this again before he gets here!)
So let’s start at the beginning- I tried to plan this pregnancy to have a Spring/Summer baby and my plan WORKED. I got pregnant the first time we tried, which set us up to have this baby in APRIL. PERFECT! Those first few weeks I felt SOOOOO tired. Not crazy nauseous, but I did feel pretty crappy. I never threw up. But gosh I was so tired. After those weeks passed, I was feeling goooooood! We waited SO long to tell our families because I wanted to tell them (mostly Chance’s family) in a specific way, which was to take our big family pictures and then crack a joke how we would need to do it again in April. Well we just couldn’t get everyone together soon enough, and all the sudden I was 3 months pregnant and definitely showing but up until then I could hide it well. So we just decided we would have to tell them in no creative or funny way. And I really couldn’t get away with hiding that bump any longer haha.
So I was somewhere between 14-16 weeks and I still had not seen a doctor yet. HA I never even took a pregnancy test! But I was still trying to decide who I was going to go see, since this would be my first baby not seeing my beloved doctor in Delta (so sad), and I procrastinated it a while. Then when I finally did decide I would see the Midwives at Alta View, I had to go to all the trouble and hassle of changing my insurance so they would accept it, and I had to wait for a new month (December) to begin for it to be activated. WELL just my luck, Chance and I got Covid RIGHT at the beginning of December and it took us OUT for 2 whole weeks. And unfortunately, I had passed it onto my parents and just when I started feeling better, they got REALLY sick and I was able to go help them for the next week. Thankfully we all recovered! I finally made my appointment to see a Doctor… at like 25 weeks haha! But then, I had a really stubborn lingering cough and so I called the office to see if it was still okay for me to come in. Initially they did clear me to come in since it had been son long since the onset of my symptoms, but they ended up calling me back to reschedule because I was scheduled for the wrong ultrasound since I was so far long in this pregnancy. So another week or so goes by. Finally, at 27 weeks, I got in to see the doctor! We had an ultrasound first, and I decided to find out the gender of this baby at the appointment instead of wait for the birth. It was a really fun moment! We were both so surprised it was a boy! I was having this ultrasound a lot later than women typically do in their pregnancy, so he was so developed! And like, we couldn’t have NOT known it was a boy even if we had wanted to wait, if you know what I mean… haha!
Pretty much everything looked great! They scheduled a follow-up ultrasound because it appeared that my placenta was low-lying, but they weren’t really worried about it. They expected it would move, but just wanted to check it in a few weeks. In the meantime, I had my blood work done and I took that glucose test. No gestational diabetes, but they told me I was low on iron… bummer!!
And that pretty much brings me up to where we are now! I had my follow-up ultrasound and they told my my placenta had resolved-YAY!- and baby was head down-YAY!- The last thing I have to stress about is whether I test positive to the group b strep test. I really do not want to be on antibiotics while giving birth so I’m praying that comes back negative. — My midwife talked to me about the current recommendation for women who have had covid while pregnant to possibly induce at 39 weeks due to calcification in the placenta.. My gut tells me not to induce and so that’s what I’m going with for now. I’m always praying that this pregnancy and birth will go well and that I can be inspired to know what the right choices for it will be!
I’ve been very blessed in my pregnancies and births, so I shouldn’t really complain, but I am experiencing SPD in this pregnancy again (I did with Luna) and it is AWFUL. Almost every move I make just hurts and it sucks. Sleeping is hard. Walking is hard. SITTING IS HARD. So I’m very much feeling like I’m done being pregnant. But, very thankful and blessed nonetheless. Oh also, I have a major sweet tooth this pregnancy!
(First pic of the bump at 24 weeks! Just got over Covid)