by Aubrey Young | Nov 7, 2020 | Family, HOLIDAYS
In a year where there is a Global pandemic, there’s no guarantee Halloween will be “allowed”, so I just couldn’t bring myself to put the time and money into costumes when it was likely we wouldn’t be going around to the city events and...
by Aubrey Young | Jan 26, 2020 | Family, Lifestyle, Mom Life
YET ANOTHER POST SAYING WOW I’VE BEEN SO BAD AT BLOGGING BUT I’M DETERMINED TO BE BETTER! Hahaha. It’s honestly annoying, but whatever. Blogging is something I love to do for myself, and so I’m really motivated to MAKE the time to do it…...
by Aubrey Young | Jan 9, 2020 | Family
2500 Some random photos to save!
by Aubrey Young | Dec 28, 2019 | Family
My nieces had a combined birthday party and they had Jasmine come! I was so excited to take Indie. I think she had a lot of fun , even though she shows zero emotion on her face haha…
by Aubrey Young | Dec 25, 2019 | Family, HOLIDAYS
We had such a magical Christmas morning at home (for the first time since we had kids!). I could barely sleep, and I woke up before anyone else. Who is the real child here?!I was particularly excited to see Indie open the watch we got her (because she always says she...
by Aubrey Young | Dec 24, 2019 | Family, HOLIDAYS
Christmas Eve Festivities!