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Okay I’m just going to say it. My perfect, most beautiful wonderful baby girl… drives me crazy sometimes..more than I want to admit. I mean she’s just a baby and can only communicate in so many ways, I know, but man sometimes I just get so frustrated. Then again, she can also make me feel the happiest in the very same minute, so that’s just mom-life right? Haha… well I’ve decided my motto for 2018 is going to be PATIENCE. More patience in all aspects of my life. Patience with Indie, with Chance, with our life situation (not having our own place, a lot more work time than play time…), with people on the road, with myself etc. As I have reflected over my last year or so of my life, it seems that my patience has been wearing thin. I feel like I’ve been so quick to get annoyed of anyone and anything, and it is really exhausting. I’m a pretty firm believer that we choose our attitude so I’ve already been doing a lot of self-talk and affirmations to increase my patience. I’ve been more conscious about my thoughts and breathing when I start to get frustrated. I think it’s already helped a bunch, but I know I have a ways to go. If anyone has any tips or suggestions for increasing patience, I am allllll ears. I think a lot about the kind of person I want to be, and “patient” is definitely on the list!