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I’m going to rewind a bit. Because I took lots of photos I’ve just never taken the chance to post them here and write about, so I’m going to play catch up!


In May, we learned that Indie may get car sick! We were on my way to my brother’s house and she was totally fine.. then she started to fuss a little bit and then threw up! It was pretty bad. We had to pull over, try to get her all cleaned up and keep going on our way… I was holding her and then she threw up all over me too… Haha the things that don’t really bother you once you become a mom. I mean it was gross, but I wasn’t dry heaving 😉 We were on our way to my brother’s to celebrate Mother’s day and my Dad’s birthday! Once we got there and got Indie cleaned up better, she was just fine!




For my birthday we went to In N out for lunch, saw the Avengers Infinity War movie, and went to Rich’s bagels!

We went on a little day trip with Chance’s family:

Memorial Day:

Other random photos I love: